Digital Poetics #10 what date do other countries celebrate 4th of july? : Caspar Heinemann


huffing carcinogens from the last century
i am a giant child dying

there’s been old hippies for a long time now
i just can’t face
any new ones

already by the turn of the mid
day my password manager is stretched, satiated,
sluttily we never wanted
this world

so it’s a geek act
i swallow chicken eggs and spit them out on sawdust
as surplus value for you-know-who

then arrive some days, monkish reform and renunciation
vital tchotchke in amnesty, i eyeball the threat of interlocutors
eloping w remains -

denim streamers,
ballpark figures,
lactose free
very nice cults,
henry hoover family,
that old new dying

hubris happens by hemp
thread mall zombie abbie
hoffman haunts postwar
drive thru satellite
seeks same other
one with everything
impossible burger
cincinnati pike

howsaboutit? ‘you’ ‘got’ a whole country w
which to attorney the contrary, through the dead my dad says
american music is different in

but perhaps the little fish
loved all that mercury
up in their apertures
mildew on stock piled apple pie canned fog rolls in
lets the pigs run free

babe, honey, kraut, my a-frame kit home - the platform
was never designed to accommodate
communities of more than half a dozen
especially w this
committed 100% unemployment thingum w line
caught salmon thingamabob

altruism and spoilt what all else -
human potential?
it’s an inherited pathology is all

goatmilking paltry supra-terrestrial expanses I was in my room and I was just like
staring at the wall Thinking about everything But
then again I was thinking about nothing, scandinavia, 501s, and:
red apples blue tits green pastures orange oranges-
Mike! Mike! and sadly i’m still here for it, like really
fucking here for it, you know? and just like that my e-numbers
shoot off the scale all up in
cybernetic’s caloric deficit
going clear and chemical doxa
strawberry protein shake 3am
high ’n’ loaded ancient enclosures
it levitated, coming from me as some
one who is not afraid to deign
a spade a spade and
i saw it as clear as day with my own two
historiographies, fringe to collar

diligent and up for mouth dilation, trepanning, any and all
viable peer-reviewed means to have a little fun w friends
reverse calcification, play pretend

above-the-neck money is no object
try this- dental insur- no-banana skins, uh-for ersatz
psych-, syk! no, uh, bacon- lite
like experience, slushy medicine
experience! like some prohibition prep fantasy transgression via
burner nerds combine harvester tech frat fuckers’ foundational hatred of
wimmin and rugrats
self-driving breakneck around the biodome
cracking open a nice cold weak jawed skull to brain
stem the flow, on labor day, of all days…

it’s a frankly inappropriate this-like-that like -
they get gaia they get hegel they get it but they get to choose a side
get it?

regardless, somehow,
let’s have a ball
let’s have a dig
sugared powdered whipped
dig it?

the thing is they didn’t die which made it, y’know,
but when that happens it’s unavoidable so
i’m still, well, all crunchy flower w delusions of grandeur, still,
here for their end of times and
in parallel
i say the kitchen is very small, my friend
asks if it is one of the thin long ones, i say yes
the same shape as the long ones, only short

that’s the thing w culture
one of us has to be lying


Caspar Heinemann is a poet, artist, and academia-adjacent independent researcher based in London and Berlin. Their research interests include critical mysticism, gay biosemiotics, illegitimate communisms, and professional irreverence. They have previously written on a pantheon including John Wieners, Diane di Prima, Paul Thek, and Derek Jarman. They hold a BA in Fine Art from Goldsmiths, University of London. Novelty Theory is their first book.


This publication is in Copyright. Caspar Heinemann, 2020.

The moral right of the author has been asserted. However, the Hythe is an open-access journal and we welcome the use of all materials on it for educational and creative workshop purposes.


Digital Poetics #11 Anyway, the birds live: Hannah Regel


Digital Poetics #9 Solastalgia: Calliope Michail