Digital Poetics 3.14 Vatic Example and A Gathering Nebulous Cauldron: Two Parts by Will Alexander
Will Alexander and Byron Baker, Neutrino as Voltage , Painting (2021)
The following two parts are components of an eight-part piece titled Interstellar Aurality.
Vatic Example: Part III
My former mind with its condoned use of limit, that always allowed fragments to dominate being immured in pullulating limit of itself.
So I ask, what of this netling delimit?, of spiraling botany as fern?, of its superficial animation as limit?
According to my beacon language pervades the collective turning of the cosmos. Certainly its stunning lingual spell, it's animate enrichment can never be for me a critical critique or a harbinger. Therefore language resists in Tibetan snow, and ignites as inflamed criteria. For me, language as mathematics, and mathematics as language, being blazing seed that commingles as the cosmos.
Since the cosmos wakens for the human species being time as criteria, alive by current standards as superimposed declaration.
One could point to the gestures of an animated recluse although psychic violence has fore-shortened his general psychic acuity because synecdoche of scale has been endemically wizened according to tempestuous insight. This is not dazed mockery or a forum on individual weakening. I am only amplifying the mysterious acreage that is the cosmos. Not acreage that condones itself as terrestrial land but realm as astonishment after astonishment. Take near applicable examples such as Martian Dust Devils or uranian rain as it accrues in the form of diamonds and iron. The uranian thus siring simultaneous curricula by continuing to submerge and emerge from itself as displaced simultaneity with its alien quenylateralites never known to themselves. As spontaneous designation concurs I have come to invisible sublimation of the Einstein-Rosen realms where glimpses momentarily erupt from what I acknowledge as simultaneous impossibility. Not rote merger of itself but charismatic infinity beyond presently known notions of infinity. To paraphrase present astronomer Harvard Avi Loeb's general thesis I condone my thinking not according to harried realms of simultaneously exacting molecules and realms even as its viewing machinery takes a mechanical squinting being subsequent to the realia of the eye evolved 500 billion years opening on Earth.
Within this aboriginal notion of realia this energy lurks within its spells as its power
8th given over to partial invisibility. This is not a materially haunted salt that can be weighed or measured. Not as crystallized subjection, or an atmosphere that exponentiates the dazed. Should one attempt to inventory a glossary of blunders, or project the blunder of an essay that ignites the doability of larceny that devolves into blood. It is not unlike pain igniting from a stricken window By employing a dazzling array of inverted notes descends and remains partially opened one in realia begin scripting fumes of light from pre-existence as it be understood by renown or measurement. This being not unlike the manner by which blood exists its ignition post-ignition sans molecular immunity. The anterior state perhaps not unlike the anterior mind provoking sand dunes on Saturn. An approximate accuracy that precludes human embitterment sans the sluggish state of general living affair. Say as the mind aspires being only one suggestion as trivialities of fraction yet at the highest power. At this state the melds with optimum energy. Not a brokered descent into projected celestial fields that a blinded being would understand as being haunted. The mind at this level of darkened birthing can only react to spells as simultaneous haunting.
As for deliberation or negation according to ice volcanos that exists as a charged inferno that ceases to dispel heat. This being cosmic the field being alive with its own miraculous turning, with its electrical dissemination, being a mind that pursues the higher intent of corpses. Glimpsing fields from the un-utterable even its strategic psychic fields goes missing. As for the altered greater giving of itself the universe is and goes missing. The human mind would class this energy shadow and fatigue. Yet because neurons fission they seem akin to partial moons that burn and rotate and always shadow their own burning. The mind not being an iridescent shadow that ignites from its splendour not magnification as barren cylinder that spins and that persists beyond its own habitability.
So the integer within simplistic Occidental modernity emits form as accuracy. For the most part majority takes mathematical grammar to range no higher arithmetical portion so only a quantitative reasoning can transpire. This represents an endemic scale that translates via didacticism. A scripted or tertiary lottery that never allows for scale via meta-proportion. Quantity in this context never emits the beauty of ellipticality but abandons all levels of implication. Never equation that ignites its own elliptical turquoise but implies a plausible interconnectedness. This can be called a sterile abandonment of itself, not unlike an influential dossier scripted within its own self-limit. The latter being the reason that perpetually concludes within the civil eye as its own circumference. Not an infectious number but integers stilled at the level of
quotidian civil accuracy. Cosmic formation is understood by the latter form of mind as a plane that fails to foment riddles because is always scaled by inevitably. It remains a field of partial tautology, a field never employed by Scwaller de Lubicz in his study of the Egyptians.
Therefore a scale of mental venture that irradiated that irradiated beauty. Thus the profundity of such praxis remains in keeping with Anada Coomaraswamy"s assessment of higher beauty in relation to mathematical equations. Thus, an apt equation understands the inevitable range of itself not unlike original Pyramidal building. Not as quantitative sequence sans exploratory wave not unlike the projections of Cantor obscured by the common mental view.
The question how does one lens concerning alchemical activation. At base the alchemical is translucent to lensing. Optic mirror counting remains analogous to translucence thus ones aura bends translating its power to analogy in terms of susurrant aural power. This being power by ironic subversion, by angst, by flooding, that erupts from principle seemingly eroded by calcification. Perhaps one's integument shifts and ignites and is othered according to principle. Never corroded or calcified but co-mingled with psychic gold according to which fractionation writhes and compels its spontaneous endemic authorship akin to Indigenous psychic grammar. It seems the world as has been given to prone consciousness attempts to persist by known numeric statutes. It is not a syllabus that claims authorship by strict material persistence. One can never be ruthless by claimed stagnation ruthless as blockage by abutment. This accounting to chaos as suggestibility, of specific blazing according to ruin.
This of course is not partial theatrical utterance ruled by endemic blindness and disappearance. Again this being diagrammatic leaning according to emotional heresy. Being none other than ironic proliferation. Perhaps as skilled motific via dissonance. Not summoned by curious forms via shattered crystal but a ruined domain as regards various forms of psychological contaminate But what I am by the latter utterance is the mind foregrounded by it's own menace, by its own scripted current that wizens. Thus it remains dazed by its own admonition, not simply scrawled psychic misnomer but a plague that invades its own suggestion. This being jaundiced mental utterance that magnetically scripts itself through an unnatural yield. This being a form of minimized psychic lensing as a curious presence where blindness proceeds all utterance.
When the king self-confuses according to obfuscation. This being a principle displacement due to elements of water. When condoning his own projected removal he knows that survivable dissonance, it's boundary by state-craft is intensely lessened by its non-survivablity. In this manner Jakarta susurrates throughout London not unlike gravity waves arriving from uncountable light year distance. Should national defense be proclaimed as living solar memorial, thus a conversant be chaotically kindled that squares the Sun and all that squares the Sun. Because Sri Aurobindo that there exists self-kindled suns always blazing with the anatomy of lightning. Its spikes, Its vehemence, its irradiation by lightning. One then thinks of Artic soils exploding.
Thus the non-morphing mind withers according to what I refer to as conscripted dishevelment seized as is by conspicuous scrambling, by self-affirmed contortion. A continuous replicated wattage that pointlessly conveys quantity so that mirages erupt as cinders, so coalescence by thought fails to adhere and principally subjects current to its own dazed inevitable stasis. This being not a climate of equilibrium or possibility, but a shaken nerve fortress descending into the vacuum that is cognitive arrogance. For instance, scratches evinced on proto-rational placards does not equate with the domain of alchemical rubric that bends as unscripted plasma. A paradoxical anti-animation as garrulous seduction. It precariousness stumbles upon the rocks of a psychic peninsula, upon a conjoined ruse of itself. In this sense it beckons mirages by trasonously re-instilling, it's own corruptions, it's own lament as superficial pattern. The latter insight thus investigates the seeming Imperial Northern mind as it convenes its deficits in absentia. As it re-conveys its attenuated grammar through error. Therefore it harkens back to its own surveillance of itself seeded by living regression of itself, fallen into anti-mirrored spirals.
A Gathering Nebulous Cauldron: Part V
Living within this nebulous cauldron it remains a realm of furtive statistical misnomer. As if the sky were none other than blurred nectaur subconsciously configured as a compounded cosmos. General consciousness has remained so scattered that the numbers 2 and 39 symbolize a functioning nascence. As for light years it remains subconsciously baffling as it engages blurred microbes as well as free standing equilibrium. As for charismatic noting these imaginary details ring with more substance than what seems known of charted humanity
Let me say that it’s been known that many details have been dredged from say, the Cretaceous and prior to the Cretaceous. It seems the mind breaks down when attempting to script pre-Cambrian states at the cusp of general formlessness where astronomical planes seem only capable of existing blazing as prior numerical lighting, prior to first initial suns when they ignited and presently persists as fragmental flame. Yet because I exist I seem as some-sub-broilment kindled by anonymous by anonymous containment as an oily and fragmentary sum. Perhaps in certain quarters I could be extolled or de-claimed as a feral adventure ignited from dearth. As
mysterious transpicuity I've seemingly erupted from dearth as fragmentation having nothing to do with indecipherable beliefs, or proximal realm via human scaler. When Georg Cantor scripted trans-finite realms there existed and tends to exist realms that the common mind understands having no capability of such reach. This being the realm that the late cosmologist Alan Sandage enunciated as bio-poetry. This remains a reality beyond the capability of human assessment where the strange erupts from bottomless coiling where terminology wanders beyond its own state of reference. A figure the stature of Sri Aurobindo acknowledged that certain beings in his private vicinity declared him insane. When one seems out of touch his or her pattern seems mirage-like peer consensus thinking tends to de-fame the human vehicle claiming to consist of discarded appearance. Artuad understood this realia where aspersions are cast by collective mental deterioration persisting.
As for North American praxis tremors when it senses the odour of volcanic loitering, this latter reaction being none than sinister appraisal of the unseen. To organically enter as did Swami Ramalingam via rhythmic organics so as to rise above the webbing of his former gravitation did not sow his forces haunted with mixtures claimed by stunting that psychically possessed Adam and Eve. When humanity embraces inevitable osmosis interstellar blazing. No, I am not simply pointing to deficit, ruin, and upheaval, to a grandiose summa that fails, accessed only within its penultimate scaler as pharmaceutical anatomy. I am understanding this to be a limitless limitless state never scripted concerning human criteria such as ultimate and penultimate. The galaxy is not pointing to a conditional era where the limited mind remains as base counting. Not counting according to crucial amalgamation that leads to initial stellar formulation via the proto-Pre Cambrian the latter being the realm that enlightened consciousness refers to. For the poet this no relates to post or subsequent linearity never entrapped within tacit illusion. I am tending towards a realm that commingles with stunning hyper-realms that electrify, that commingles with its state simultaneous with its own origin. Not simply a static hyper-realm concerning its own tautology self-sired according to a burning range of asterisks. Not as differentiation, or energy that tends towards an isolate annulment. Language in this sense does not listen to itself as a private or subsequent gasp limited to itself as interlocketor as delimited formulation.
Let me turn to other planetary formulations without mean or self-consent as limit. Perhaps I register dazzling aural grammes via posthumous effervescence remaining far beyond cognitive indication. Thus the metaphor dazzles as transmuted waking, as primal sigil that awakens to itself via perpetual oneiric self-immersion. One becomes a magnetic jasmine field of living essential eruption. Not simply as orchestration of itself or segregational kinetic, but analogous to olfactory tenets that irrigate via unknown magnetism. Not as delimited lingual siring but irrigated by fumes that slowly formulate ones universal anterior condition never marked by creatureral dissonance according to fame.
As one ignites via irony that remains acquisitive deafness. What exists over and beyond this deafness remains cellular lightning alive as instantaneous evolution active over beyond dazed suspension where it remains uttered that poet Swami Lingham simultaneously dissapeared, imploded and rose into living gargantuan enigma the latter consisting of hidden realms that cease to console common apperception. Perhaps one can speak of affective neural registration that results when uttering acoustical Sinhalese not as secondary language of say, the Tamil Moors according to scripted Tamil, the former as curved arc, as disseminated bending via psychic ingestion of itself, not in the form of cognitive routine but as merger with its own beauty, such was Ramalingam's poetic process concerning hid work Thiruvarutpa that uttered spell by eruptive disappearance. Certainly not lingual phantom that repeatedly uttered within a delimited archdiocese of matter. Such utterance akin to fields of eruptive consciousness rather than transference into what is understood by the common utterance deemed by many as being the Potters Field. Not sound as molten foraging technique sans metaphoric example on an accessible cognitive plane. Thus the quantum realm transmixes with the metaphoric realm and Ramalingam's powers having evolved beyond the trappings of belief being akin to what I understands exists as cellular transmutation. The latter not a religious or scrolled dynamism, but connected to a plane that remains proto in essence. Never a plane wizened by tones scripted according to wish, but as impalpable blizzard spinning as transformative amplification where the grammar of Divine inscrutability takes on the power of supersessional light.
For me, Ramalingam remains disguised as philosophical lemur, no longer alive as visibility, yet alive between visibility and its counterpart where the body remains organically subsumed by extending and contracting so that respiration flares as anomalous principle alive as bedazzlement, as creatureral reference to itself not as some argumentative template, but as nuance that melds chronic figmentation into a singular gathering of itself. Tamil via the physics of Divine suggestion yields a meta-state never prone to calculation. This meta realm simultaneous with light that leaps intrinsic ozone mountains that cease to parallel themselves so that meta-dazzling transpires not via rational optimum range, but as splayed state akin to numeric quantum phantoms. Certainly the entrapment that describes itself as plagiarized fatigue never plagued Ramalingam via his metaphoric emergence. His mixture of Tamil and Sinhalese was not unlike the Sri Lankan Moors who spell bound with their general innateness. This is not simply lingual or cartographic innateness but of a blinding state never factored by figmental consciousness never employing crude or reactive judgment that employs lions and razors, but being a meta-,kindled state non-reactive to sound that spins from a common calliope.
Will Alexander works in multiple genres. In addition to being a poet, he is also a novelist, essayist, aphorist, playwright, philosopher, visual artist, and pianist. His influences range from poetic practitioners, such as Aimé Césaire, Bob Kaufman, Andre Breton, Antonin Artaud, and Philip Lamantia, to the encompassing paradigm of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga, and the Egyptian worldview as understood by Cheikh Anta Diop and R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz. The latter is central to Alexander’s expanding inner range, which has allowed him access to levels of mind beyond the three-dimensional as boundary. He thereby explores the full dimensionality of each word. For him, each word has access to not only the median level of three-dimensional experience, but also partakes of experience on both the supra and subconscious planes. His praxis of language is not unlike the Mayan numerical world, where each letter of the alphabet spontaneously engages in non-limit. Thus, all fields of experience are open for exploration: art, physics, botany, history, astronomy, architecture, and poetics. Alexander’s books include Asia and Haiti, The Sri Lankan Loxodrome, Compression and Purity, Sunrise In Armageddon, Diary As Sin, Inside the Earthquake Palace, Towards The Primeval Lightning Field, and Mirach Speaks To His Grammatical Transparents. He lives in The City of Angels.
The moral right of the author has been asserted. However, the Hythe is an open-access journal and we welcome the use of all materials on it for educational and creative workshop purposes.